October 22, 2018

1 year anniversary of being homeowners!

FILED IN: Personal

Today is a such a special day for our family! Today is the 1 year anniversary of when we became homeowners!!!

The house is just what I had always dreamed of- a front porch literally pulled right out of my dreams!!!! I can still remember clearly all the emotions of that day ranging from feeling nervous to feel ecstatic and triumphant!!

And now a year later what makes me all mushy with emotions is not the pretty house but the street we live on and the community of friends we have created here! I am so incredibly grateful of our kind, smart, fun and welcoming neighbors who have helped us turn this house into a HOME that we cherish! Thank you Woedee Dr families!!!

(The first picture is our house, the second picture is literally the second after we walked in! Conveniently the dining room wall is a mirror so we could take a family pic! The last picture the moving van driver took of us after they unloaded our processions! Our first family portrait on the porch!)

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For the lastest



Susannah Gill Photography 
El Dorado Hills, CA