CONFESSION OF A GUILTY FEELING PHOTOGRAPHER: I did not make a holiday card this year. I said I would and the days creeped by. I said I would do overnight shipping to get the cards out. Days crept by. I said I would make the cards myself and get them out! Days crept by. I said I would do New Years cards! Can you guess? Yes you are right, I didn’t get those out either. Now this would be a great place to tell you all the reasons why and glorify the word “busy” but I’m not going to do that. Holiday cards just didn’t happen this year.
I mostly felt bad about this for Jax not being able to spread holiday cheer with his cute little face. But honestly I didn’t think anyone would notice. This is when I felt really guilty, someone asked me why they didn’t get their card this year. The person said they look forward to it every year and was so sad when it never came! Gah! I know that feeling- I love getting holiday cards! I love seeing how the kids have grown. I don’t want anyone feeling like they landed on the naughty list this year.
So the cobbler’s children have no shoes and the photographer’s child has no holiday card! This year I will spread our holiday cheer and message a little differently- electronically!
As I scrolled my Christmas pictures for the perfect image, it was this picture that most stood out to me. It’s our hope for what the New Year will bring for us and you. Simple joys in everyday moments. Life can get so complicated and it’s so easy to get caught up in that “busy” world. Recently I have been in awe of Jax’s growing independence and have been sneaking around the house with my camera trying to catch this stage of his life. From the kitchen I heard the pitter patter of feet going into the laundry room. I heard his 4 attempts to get the stubborn dryer door open. I watched him as he put his whole torso into the machine to dig for the perfect shirt. And then he found it and the way he beamed at his shirt with the excavator on it melts my heart! Simple joys! Children find them so easily!!!
We hope 2016 is filled with great health and the ability to find simple joys in everyday moments!
Susannah, Greg and Jax!
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