Last night we had our 2nd annual Woedee Halloween event! The part that makes me so excited about this was those two words, “2nd annual”, yep that’s right- no big deal for some but a HUGE deal for me! That means we have had more than one, that people had a great time and were willing to come back for some more!
When we took the leap to move to El Dorado Hills, California I knew it would be our last move for a while. We were ready to settle down, grow some roots and find community for our family. It started with taking a chance. We pick a date for a block party- put flyers on every door on the street and then waited and hoped. 44 people showed up!!! After a great time other families hosted a block party, then we had the kids Halloween event, then the Dads had a whiskey walk and before you know it- going up and down our street comes with friendly beeps, waves, saying hello, chatting at the mailboxes and of course-everyone planning the next street event!
So to see these 31 beautiful little faces smiling back at me for our 2nd annual Halloween event my heart just about exploded! Building a community takes intention and effort. When it starts to grow though the efforts will be well worth it not only for your own family but for others as well!
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