Family Photojournalism is something I feel so passionately about. But what exactly is it?
When I explain Family Photojournalism to people they usually either make a face that says, “Oh that’s really cool” or the opposite, “people want those kinds of pictures!?” So let me explain.
Family Photojournalism is a way to capture a family at home as if it was just a regular day in their life… as much as possible. Obviously no one is leaving for work and Mom might spend some extra time on her hair. These sessions they are NOT in matching outfits for the whole family, or on the beach during a perfect sunset. These sessions might produce a messy kitchen floor, tears from falling and images of your child getting her hair done. The real stuff. The good stuff.
The goal is to capture moments that in 1, 5, 10 , 20, 50 years from now you will look back on and be transported back in time. To a time when your daughter dipped her finger in the sugar bowl or squealed with delight as she ran up and down the house getting dressed, or when she thought going on a bug hunt with dad was an epic adventure!
Family photojournalism sessions do not need for you to have a perfect house, a perfect activity or even the perfect outfit. All I need is for you to forget about the camera and just love on your family. Have fun. Bake. Jump on the bed. Make a fort. Read a story. Create art. Play. And then play some more.
Meet The Guileys! Travis, Kim and their 2 year old daughter Hazel… but that’s not all. Inside Kim’s belly swimming around is baby number 2, all of 15 weeks old! Kim has been sick for all of her pregnancy with Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Only 3% of women get this while pregnant and in a nut shell- it’s morning sickness that is more like morning, early afternoon, afternoon, late afternoon, early evening and nightime sickness. Basically all day and everyday nauseous and feeling HORRIBLE. This Mama was far from feeling 100% but made the effort to capture their lives as a family of 3 with a little one on the way. This is a great example of Family Photojournalism. It wasn’t about being perfect, it’s only about capturing glimpses of life- even if at this stage in Kim’s life/pregnancy she was not feeling oh so wonderful.
We started the session off in the morning with Hazel still in her PJs washing breakfast off her sweet face. Immediately I was shown her room and how awesome it was- Hazel loves her big girl room!
She even has a little teepee- she turned off lights and played in the dark with her flashlight.
Mom and Dad joined in for some snuggles on her bed.
Kim is an amazing doula with Santa Cruz Family Doula Collective. Hazel lives in a world where births are spoken about the way some households talk about their favorite sports team. Hazel is fascinated with all things birth and loves to play “doula” herself!
Days with little ones go in fast spurts of activities- done with the cuddling and on to some art! Remember putting the caps on your fingers? I do!
Getting your child dressed can be such a fun time as well as a time for great patience. These photographs need audio as Hazel was squealing with delight as she ran through the house!
Time for a little sweetness- as in baking homemade Pop Tarts! Hazel’s expressions are so classic here- I love her looks of concentration and also how she sticks her little tongue out when helping with the baking!
Reaching as high as she can go with those darling little toes!
All was going so merrily until the jar of flour crashed to the floor. Hazel erupted into tears, Mama does her best to console her and Dad cleans up the spill. But don’t worry- as soon as Hazel understood that it was the flour on the floor and NOT the sugar the tears stopped and the smiles returned! Smart girl.
Half way through the job Hazel remembered her doll and brought her into the kitchen to join the fun!
The recipe then called for some lemon juice. Hazel is so lucky to live next door to a kind neighbor that has a bountiful lemon tree! So out Hazel and Dad went to go get some fresh lemons!
Hazel has a fierce independence which I admire so greatly! She put those shoes on all by herself and did not care in the slightest when Dad mentioned they were on the wrong feet.
The sweetness that followed next just melts my heart! Hazel told Dad that she wants to surprise Mama with these magnificent lemons and hides them behind her back as she carries them home!
Hazel waits patiently for Dad to open the door for her as she can’t put down those lemons for Mama…
…”Mama!” Oh the sheer delight!!
While the treats were baking Hazel busies herself with a jack in the box. But she doesn’t do it herself, she is assisting her baby doll to do it. I have a feeling someone is going to be a wonderful big sister!
Ha ha, one of my favorite moments! With the wag of a finger Hazel is letting Dad know she is ready to play outside in the tree fort!!
One of the funnest Dads I have ever met, Travis turns playing in the yard into a bug hunting adventure!
“BUUUUUGS! Where are you?!”
Found one!
While the treats cooled from the oven, the family went for a walk around the neighborhood. When I inquired with Kim and Travis what they like to do as a family this was one of their first answers. I adored this answer. It felt real, something I imagine they do do as a family and not just for a photo shoot. It was simple, sweet and true to them.
The neighborhood dog and the neighbor’s kid came out for some fun!
Clients often ask if there will be any “formal” family pictures taking during Family Photojournalism sessions. The answer is yes and no. Yes I will take pictures of everyone together, at least one in an organized way, but no they will not be overly formal.
It was now time to wander home, Hazel lead the way!
Everyone played outside for a little while, Hazel showed off their amazing vegetable garden and did some chalk drawings.
When it was time to go back inside to frost the Pop Tarts the excitement was so high that Hazel tripped on the way in. Mama swooped down surrounding Hazel with love and rocking her back to happiness! And yes, I will photograph through these moments from afar. I will not get into the personal space of the subjects but I will document what’s happening. Why? Well it’s real life with kids. They fall, they cry, they get cared for from their adoring parents and that usually happens on repeat all day long. It’s special and one day Hazel will look at that picture and see how she was greatly adored and cared for.
Homemade Pop Tarts?! Yes please! Thank you Kim, Travis and Hazel for letting me into your world for a few hours so I could document the sweetness of your family!
Interested in seeing more with a different family? Check out this sweet Family Photojournalism session that was published on one of my favorite blogs: Let The Kids Dress Themselves. Have a newborn that can’t quite cook or go bug hunting yet? No problem! The same technique can be applied for newborns too! Check out this newborn session that was published on Little Bellows with baby Leo and his parents! Baby Leo was all of 10 days old!
Feel free to contact me with any questions and we can brainstorm ideas for your family!
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