January 6, 2020

Happy 2020!

A picture of Lake Tahoe seen through the forest


I love a new year!  A fresh start to reframe your goals, think about what really matters and drive your life in that direction! This year Greg and I were extra lucky as my Mom offered us a chance to have a getaway! Greg and I have not been on a getaway for years and it was so needed! We headed to Lake Tahoe chatting the whole way about our new goals, what worked last year- what didn’t, goals we have as a family, a couple and also for our individual businesses! I am so lucky to be able o discuss business with Greg and feed off his motivation for his own business!

We hit the slopes of Sierra at Tahoe and skied allllll day, ending the day with a draft beer and Poutine! Now that’s how you end a ski day in my opinion!

The next day while my knees may have been tender from all that skiing we hiked around the beautiful Lake Tahoe! If you ever have a chance to visit Lake Tahoe let me know and I can tell you about this secret little hike we found!

For now, I’ll leave you with the best wishes this new year and this pretty picture of the incredible Lake Tahoe!

Thank you to my Mom who allowed us to get away and have some fun, plan our goals and kick off this new decade with smiles!






















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Susannah Gill Photography 
El Dorado Hills, CA