I thought long and hard about switching over to the iPhone 8 plus. Everyone always says, “Oh you must have the best pictures of Jax” Ummm, some but not as many as I should because after luging my professional gear to jobs I often just use the cell phone for my own family. Laziness plus a kid that hates to be photographed made the iPhone super easy. But those commercials showing the images with the new iPhone camera feature just got me dreaming of iPhone pictures that are actually good!
The reality is my iPhone 6 was finally paid off and my bills were finally lower. That for a while was nicer than the idea of better iPhone pictures. And then we got a puppy and I made the mistake of leaving my cell phone on the coffee table for 2 minutes. Didn’t take long for our lab to find that cell phone oh so delicious! Gratefully I caught her in time before she harmed herself but my phone was never the same. The screen had cracked and that crack kept growing with each passing week.
About a month later my Mom comes in town and she needed a new iPhone and well wouldn’t you know, Verizon had a buy one get one free for the 8 plus! I couldn’t resist and I’m so glad I didn’t…I might change my mind about that when the bill shows up! For now I’m loving m,y new little technology baby and the camera on this iPhone is AMAZINGGGGGG!!!!! The portrait mode is incredible if you can get your subject matter to sit still!
Here are a few of my first pictures and this photographer can finally feel better about documenting her family life with an iPhone!

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