January 23, 2013

Jennifer & Rich’s Wedding at Fordham University and New York Botanical Garden

When I first started talking with Jennifer, it was clear right off the bat that this is a woman who knows what she likes in this world and that she will be 100% devoted to that person, place or thing! Top of the list: Rich, family and her faith and then in no particular order from what I could tell, the New York Yankees, New York City and Fordham University!

We knew their wedding would be filled with meaningful details to both Jennifer and Rich, making their wedding highly personalized and a dream for us to photograph! We find it so motivating as photographers to capture in photographs what someone else has so much passion for!Jennifer’s Monique L’Huillier gown was so sophisticated with such a classic elegance, but also had a modern touch with a different colored sash.The medals sewn into Jennifer’s gown are of the Blessed Mother. The larger one was her Grandmother’s and the smaller one was her Mom’s that she gave to Jennifer when she was born.The bouquet held medals too, the Blessed Mother and St. Ignatius Loyola, the latter being the founder of the Jesuits which was special to Jennifer and Rich as it was working with Fordham and Xavier (both Jesuit schools) that they met. Jennifer’s east side studio apartment was a collection of personal items, from her patent leather baby shoes, New York City  snow globe, Lombardi posters to inspiring quotes! Let’s not look past the Yankee Stadium seats! Why not have a little fun with the Yankee gear and turn it into wedding props!? Jennifer’s beautiful bouquet and all other flowers you will see later in the day were created by Forever in Bloom.Jennifer got into her gown with the help of her Mom and her Maid of Honor, Jessica. Jennifer’s veil was created by Designs by Kristen. Hair and makeup were perfectly done by Trisha Fox-Foley on hair and Jenn Petruso on makeup!Mom then helped Dad with his bow tie.  The image on the left was photographed through a mirror with their wedding picture on the shelf just below! It was then time for the first look and Greg texted me seconds before we were to leave that it was drizzling out. We only had one rainy wedding day in over 5 years. ONE!!! Inside my head was spinning with worry as I told Jennifer the weather report. Ha!  Not this bride!  Umbrellas it was and for that chin up attitude of Jennifer’s I am so grateful!  How much fun! And let’s be perfectly honest, how super romantic is this drizzly rain first look???Adorable!  A little rain sure is one way to get rid of the random people that are usually in NYC pictures!  They had the whole park to themselves!Jennifer takes a second to fix Rich’s boutonniere.Such a handsome couple!On board with us in the drizzle was Jessica and Jennifer’s Dad!Jennifer and Rich really wanted to get a portrait with the bridge in the background. In an old fashioned taxi cab provided by The Checker Guy, Jennifer was taken to Fordham with her parents. I loved how on the dash sat the Virgin Mary surrounded by toy taxi cabs while Santa and a disco ball swung from the rear view mirror!  Jennifer patiently waited in the car while the church filled up.The magnificent Fordham Church was built in 1845 and has a very interesting history, to read more click here.Although it was cold and dreary, the campus looked beautiful with its statues and bushes full of bright red berries!The Mother of the groom, Mary,  escorted down the aisle by her grandson Collin and on the right, Jessica the Maid of Honor.I just love this image of Rich with an expression of such pure and genuine happiness!The beautiful bride is escorted down the aisle by both her Mother and Father, Carol and Richard. Jennifer and Rich had a traditional Catholic wedding ceremony that also included Mass. It was wonderful to have a longer service than what is usual these days to take some creative photographs. Big smiles as Father McShane recalls Jennifer’s diligent wedding planning!Jennifer and Rich recite their vows to each other. The Best Man, Edward, holds the rings while they are blessed.Rings are exchanged……and then we have our FIRST kiss, yes I said first!  Stay tuned!Look at that smile on Jennifer’s face!The wedding ceremony was now complete and Communion followed. Jennifer and Rich leave a flower offering for the Blessed Mother. A very moving part of the ceremony was when the family was invited to come up to the altar and place their hands on Jennifer and Rich as a final prayer was said. And then it was time for the SECOND kiss!  A chuckle was heard throughout the church as the priest exclaimed, “Jennifer you may now kiss your groom!”That’s one happy groom!The newlyweds happily leave the church and are off to their old fashioned taxi waiting for them, tin cans and all!Before we left campus there was one photograph I had in mind and we got it!With the clickety clack of the tin cans, we were off to the New York Botanical Garden for the reception!Upon entering the New York Botanical Garden, the guests were greeted by a table displaying both families’ wedding photographs.Such a great idea, the guests loved seeing the images from the past weddings!While guests were enjoying the cocktail hour I was able to get some photographs of the beautiful room for the dinner.The flowers were perfection. Classically beautiful with just a nod to the holiday season with some winter greens. Rich kicked off the celebration with the most amazing groom’s speech we had ever heard, hands down!  He had the room hanging on his every word as he spoke from the heart about how he might be the happiest groom there ever was just by the fact that he thought that this day, getting married, was not a day he would ever see and how utterly grateful he was for this occasion.  Not all mushy though, he threw in some jokes too and had everyone laughing and smiling!  Great job Rich!The Maid of Honor and the Best Man had a tough act to follow but a fantastic job was done by both of them!!! The elegant affair was perfectly completed by the smooth sounds of Johnny Avino! He’s a Yankee fan too!Jennifer and Rich were all smiles as they shared their first dance as husband and wife. The evening was a celebration not only of Jennifer and Rich but also of their family and friends. Everywhere you looked there was people laughing, hugging and enjoying themselves!Jennifer danced with her Father as Mom looked on beaming with such pride and love!Rich danced with his Mother who was all smiles and couldn’t be happier!!It was time to cut the cake and delicious as it was… there was more for desert than the cake!!Apple crumble a la mode in such a modern presentation! Abilgail Kirsch did a wonderful job of catering the affair. The night was now upon us and the gardens looked so beautiful on the rainy evening.  People can only wine and dine with lovely conversations for so long until it was time to dance!!!It wouldn’t have been a 2012 wedding without a little Gangnam Style thrown in there!My blog readers will know of my new love of redheads!  Well it couldn’t have been more fun watching this redhead, Rich’s nephew throughout the night entertaining Jennifer’s family!Jennifer and Rich we wish you two the most incredible life together! Thank you for your trust in us to capture this magnificent wedding day with all its wonderful details!

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Susannah Gill Photography 
El Dorado Hills, CA