May 23, 2011

Life with Jax! Month #1

4 weeks ago Jax came into our lives.  Bringing him into this world was one of the hardest, most painful and most miraculous events I have ever experienced.  When he arrived he was placed into my arms with his eyes wide open, he stared at me and I was stunned. Who was this tiny little being covered in grey slimy stuff?  From his very first moments we have been in awe of the little man and head over heels in love.  That being said, Jax is a full on mystery. The stork forgot to drop off the manual.

Jax started off in what they call the “honeymoon” phase.  He was so quiet and peaceful for about a week.  He ate well, slept well and life seemed so easy with a newborn. I thought to myself MANY times, what are all these Moms complaining about? The doctor told me at our 5 day appointment that babies “wake up” around 3 weeks, and I honestly wasn’t worried because Jax was so incredibly easy!  Then just on cue, after about 15 days or so, Jax “woke up”.  Life took a turn as we suddenly had a whole new little personality on our hands. We read the books and none of them seem to apply to Jax.  Where was the book about the baby that prefers NOT to sleep or do long feeds but loves to have boobie snacks and power naps instead?

One of the most comedic parts of all this is the very common expression that everyone loves to tell you, “Sleep when the baby sleeps” Ha!  My baby sleeps for 30 minute stretches, so if I sleep when the baby sleeps when will I use the bathroom, eat, change out of my pajamas, or do something- anything- perhaps brush my hair since it looks like my new style icon is Medusa?

The wonderful thing about Jax is that he seems to somehow know perfectly when I am at my wits end.  Perhaps its 5:17 am and I have  been up with my little party animal all night… I’m exhausted, at times frustrated, worried that I am doing everything wrong and suddenly he will smile at me. I know, I know- everyone says its just gas when he smiles like that, but I’ll take it.  In my new world of poopy diapers, boy fountain pee sprays, spit up and such- I will take a gas induced smile.  And when it happens,  all that frustration and worry melts away and I am once again for the millionth time that day overflowing with love and wonder for our Jax!  He may not be the easiest baby in the world, and according to the books his labels might be “fussy” or my favorite, “spirited” but he is ours and we adore him!

Jax has now clocked 28 minutes on the nap timer and I hear my guy fussing. In a few minutes it will be a shrieking wailing that makes my neighbors say things like “Oh I heard your baby yesterday”. So as I head down the hallway,  still in my PJ’s and my hair still looking like Medusa,  I’m excited to see Jax.  I love soaking in his sweet baby scent, feel the weight of his sleepy body and perhaps get peed on while I change his 9th and counting diaper of the day.

Life with Jax is a sleep deprived mystery journey filled with many twists and turns, but 4 weeks in it’s still the best journey we have ever been on.

Here are some images from our first month together.

The first day in the hospital was so special.  It was just the 3 of us without any visitors.  We were able to stare at Jax and smother him with kisses and cuddles and talk all night about how amazing our baby is!

From the very beginning Greg was a natural. I took this image coming back into our hospital room, I was so touched by this quiet moment my two men were having.

Jax arrives home NYC-style in a yellow cab, wearing the same outfit Greg came home in 40 years ago.

Jax is checked out by his furry sister Maxi.  The cats have been so wonderful and protective of Jax.  Sometimes during diaper changes when Jax is not thrilled and crying the cats will growl at us!

During our “honeymoon” week I was able to get Jax to move into a sweet newborn pose to capture him all tiny and innocent in his hospital hat!

Greg took this picture of me showing the behind the scene of our shoot- Jax looks so small here!  He was very cooperative this day!

In a well lit room you can see that Jax is a bit of red head, we like to call him our Leprechaun!

This is Peanut, a Ficus that Greg planted when Jax was born.

Activity time- its short lived, sometimes only minutes but its hysterical.  I think Greg sometimes has more fun than Jax!

Did anyone ever question what team he would love?!  Greg was so proud, Jax’s first Yankee game was amazing- it was a 15 to 3 victory!

I will end on this image of our sleeping Jax.  So peaceful and content- for all of 30 minutes or so.

comments +

  1. Heather Dambmann says:

    Susannah and Greg I loved every picture, they are beautiful and so is sweet Jaxson, Those sleepless nights will pass, the fussy days gone, he will grow up so quickly, and then you will have a teenager on your hands!!! More sleepless nights waiting for him to come home!!!

  2. Anna Tomasso says:

    What a beautiful son you two have welcomed to our world. Fabulous photographs and a blog all mothers can relate to. We send heartfelt congratulations and cannot wait to meet him when you come to California. ..

  3. Patty Lenehan says:

    Jax is beautiful! Enjoy every sleepless moment! One day you’ll be watching him walk down the isle and asking yourself “How can this be?!! I Just gave birth yesterday!!!!

  4. Kim Salem says:

    Susannah, this is such an adorable post 🙂 What a beautiful boy Jax is! Love all of the photos and hope his schedule stretches out soon so you can get some naps in! 🙂

  5. Jo Paolini says:

    Thank you Heather for sending this to me and Congratulations Susannah and Greg on the Birth of your precious Baby Boy. Loved the pictures and hoping to get more from Heather as he grows up. Fondly, Jo (Heathers former neighbor at the Condo)

  6. lisa mone says:

    congratulations susannah! he is absolutely priceless!!! thank you for that blog post…it made me all teary…it was beautiful!

  7. Jules says:

    I LOVE the pics, beautiful…and I love that you planted a plant to commemorate. I have a very cherished Christmas Cactus that when I was born it was taken as a shoot off my great grandmother’s plant (which is also still going strong). My grandmother had one from her birth year (80 yrs old, my mom has it now), my mom has one 60 yrs old, and I have one 40 yrs old. So special!

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For the lastest



Susannah Gill Photography 
El Dorado Hills, CA