August 4, 2011

Life with Jax! Month #3

At the wrong time on the wrong day and with my shirt on inside out (I was later told), I showed up at the doctors office for Jax’s immunizations. The secretary gave me that “I know you’re a new Mom” look and I gave her that “I know you’re secretly text messaging under the desk” look. Don’t mess with a new Mama- we are sleep deprived, full of hormones and willing to do anything for our new baby!  So like any new Mama would do, I gathered the few brain cells I had left and convinced the text messaging youngster that this mistake must be the office’s fault. Success! We left an hour later- immunizations complete!

This month has been such a pleasure!  Jax is in full command of his coos and giggles and loves to entertain not only us with them but anyone who he makes eye contact with. Greg claims that he should work for the United Nations after we brought him onto a crowded subway and he gained the attention of half the train with his laughter. The riders went from bitter strap hangers to harmonious commuters!

Jax continues to teach us valuable lessons and is also helping me refresh my dusty math skills. Recently we have been working on story problems that go like this, “If Jax fell asleep at 1:30 and wakes up at 3:45, how long did Jax sleep?” This may seem easy to you, who probably sleeps 8 hours a night. BUT for me, when I try to figure this out in the middle of the night, on only a few hours sleep, while dodging baby stuff in the dark hallway and trying to block out the screams of my hungry baby- this math is not easy!

Here are some images from our 3rd month together!

Jax loves his bouncy seat- especially when Daddy has the Beastie Boys blaring!

Just one of his adorable faces he makes to get whatever he wants!

Jax discovered his hands.  He thinks they are fascinating but more so he thinks they are delicious!

The Bumbo seat!  This seat is not only fun for Jax but great when trying to put a meal together!  I love how small he looks in this picture, especially since all I ever hear is how big he is!!!

We were on Fire Island at the beach during sunset- the setting sun really showed off his gorgeous red hair!  So much fun having a red head!  I love hearing all the comments from adult red heads- there is so much pride in their voice when they acknowledge his red hair! If he stays red he will certainly be a part of a very small and cool group of people!

Jax sits on his Dad’s lap while he writes a one handed email- this is his patient-but-not-thrilled-about-it expression!

Bath time is still one of our favorite times around here.  Jax loves taking a bath and the only time he is a bit apprehensive is when his hair is being rinsed. Even the miniature Yankee cap does not fully put him at ease. I love how in this image Jax seems so unsure but also at the same time very trusting of Greg. Having and raising a baby is such an honor, they depend on you for everything.  Its a wonderful feeling to be able to make your baby feel safe, happy and loved.

And there’s the big guy, all clean and ready to break some hearts!

comments +

  1. Heather Dambmann says:

    In the last picture he looks so like Greg, and the giggles are the same! Lovely photos.

  2. Lisa Stein says:

    Oh Susannah these photos are gorgeous! I love reading your stories about him and your family! Everything changes, and NYC becomes a warm friendly place when you walk around with a baby. It’s challenging for the parents, to say the least, but what a gift to live with the most amazing subject of your life!!!!

  3. Sarah Martin says:

    Greg & Susannah,

    Love, love, love the updated blog and shots of Jax. He is truly precious! Can’t get enough of him!


  4. Sarah Martin says:

    Greg & Susannah,

    Love, love, love the updated blog and shots of Jax. He is truly precious! Can’t get enough of him!


  5. Moss + Isaac says:

    These photos are adorable!! He is such a cutie pie, and I do just love that red hair! Congrats guys….hope to see you again soon!
    Leigh Anna

  6. Andrea G says:

    I LOVE my nephew. These photos are incredible!!! Delicious 🙂 xoxo

  7. Sarah Dodd says:


    Beautiful pictures of your sweet, adorable little man!

    Lots of love,


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For the lastest



Susannah Gill Photography 
El Dorado Hills, CA