Feeling like our home was beginning to resemble a Babies R Us, I decided to organize our baby stuff. I started to stack our books that we have gathered since I had become pregnant and realized it was quite high, in fact it was taller than Jax!
We live in a world where the name of an internet search engine, Google, is now a verb. Yesterday I googled the actor’s name. It’s legit, its even in Websters dictionary. We are over saturated with information these days, from what we find in books, to the internet and of course all the people that seem to think you want their advice. But is it really the information that a parent needs? Even with all this information available to us, none of it quite matches Jax and our guy’s little quirks. The funny thing or frustrating thing about all these books is how much they contradict each other. One book says, “Don’t let you baby sleep more than x hours.” The next book will say, “Let your baby sleep, never wake your baby.” For just about every topic there is, we have the books that say do it this way and the other books that says to do it that way. So I have all these dogeared books, tired eyes and guilt. Yes guilt. Parenting has left me with a level of guilt that I have never experienced before. Are we doing the right thing? Will what I’m doing or not doing now have effects on him when he is a toddler, a child or even an adult? Will that amazing 2 hour nap he likes to take in his swing that saves our sanity today create mayhem for us in a few months? I have no idea.
The books now are ignored. All Greg and I really know is that the answers we find are not in the books and they cannot be found on Google. Our best answers come in the form of smiles or cries and everything in between. Gratefully, the majority of the time we are dealing with smiles, Jax is one happy baby!
Hysterically enough, now all those people who like to give you the advice you didn’t ask for (especially when Jax was being less than perfect) tell us, “Just you wait- you will be in trouble when he is a teenager!” Umm, thanks? My translation of that statement; we have a good baby!
Here are some images from our life with Jax during month #4!!
There are so many times I feel the weight of Jax on my shoulder when he first wakes up. I love it and it doesn’t last long, Jax is becoming all boy and he would rather move around. But during these moments where I can hold him tight and breathe him in, I often wonder what he must look like. As a photographer who is constantly feeling the need to document, I feel so lucky to have Greg here for some of those moments, to capture what I can’t see.
Recently during our trip to Buffalo, we stayed in a hotel since my Mom’s home could not hold all of us. We opened the hotel door and there it was all 1970’s romantic… a jacuzzi and a mirrored backboard! So what do you do when you’re staying in a place such as this with your little baby? A photoshoot of course!
He eats like he will never eat again, he laughs like its the funniest thing in the world and he sleeps like he is on vacation! Jax even smiles and laughs in his sleep. How beautiful to have a mind so pure and sweet!
Jax meets his cousins from Georgia, New Mexico and California for the first time!!! Could we all live any further apart?
Still our favorite time of the day, bath time. I love when he gets out and is all wrapped up in a towel or his robe, all warm and smelling so sweet!
And he found his thumb, oh his yummy little thumb!
That first B&W is amazing! I need to have a baby so you can take pictures of it.
Missed you guys this summer and hope to see you all soon.
Oh my god, you have such a beautiful boy and you capture the very essence of what is to be a parent. You are an amazing photographer and a wonderful, articulate writer.
What an amazing post, scrumptious photos of your little man! I love your idea of the books adjacent to the baby, it is a great contrast.
Susannah & Greg, I LOVE reading your updates and seeing the pics of Jax. Could he possibly be any more adorable or precious? What a miraculous little treasure you have! LOOOOOVE the pic of him smiling in his sleep with his arms over his head. He is truly beautiful.
HI Guys. It’s Laura. I love reading your blog about baby Jax. It makes me laugh and cry remembering my sweet Scarlett at that age. How fleeting and beautiful babies are. Enjoy every moment….
Your photography and subjects r fantastic. So happy we will meet Jax soon. Love Anna