November 15, 2011

Life with Jax! Month # 6

It’s 8 a.m and I wake to the sounds of Jax squealing with delight.  Jax is in his chair on the bathroom floor while Greg takes a shower.  Greg is belting out, “This Old Bat” from Sesame Street in hopes of finishing his shower before Jax decides this is no longer fun.

I used to have hot tea before I did anything else in the morning but now I am strapping on some Madonna (the pop star) like bra contraption to extract breast milk from my body.  Surreal. No matter how often I pump, it still is so bizarre to me.  Even though I’m exhausted and pumping is the LAST  thing I feel like doing, I’m  laughing at how adorable it is to hear Greg singing a Sesame Street classic in the shower instead of some Pearl Jam or Foo Fighters tune. Its amazing and comical at times what you are willing to do as a parent to ensure your baby’s happiness and health.

Jax has been with us for 6 months now.  In these 180 days he has stolen our hearts and rendered us fools in love with that red hair and big smile.  Here are some photographs from our 6 months together.


After 6 months of being photographed Jax is pretty good at turning on the charm for the camera!  Of course the greatest milestone of this month was that Jax sat up.  It changed everything for the best!  Now he can sit and play and has never been happier!

This month brought some funny new behaviors.  Jax became fascinated with the fact that he could hold his hands together.  He would hold them so tight and as a result instead of sucking his thumb he would suck his forearm- even in mid flight!

Jax has moved on to try a bunch of new foods, most of which he pushes out of his mouth!   As you can see here at times he needs a thumb break!

I love the details of Jax, I adore how he crosses his feet at his ankles when he sits!!

And like so many of the babies of today, Jax will bite Sofie’s head off for hours!  He loves her so.

In Jax’s 6 months, his relationship with our furry children Maxi and Roxy has grown.  He loves watching them as they move in and out of the rooms.  Besides a few sniffs here and there, the adoration seemed quite one sided, but recently they have been visiting him.  In this shot I was photographing Jax when I noticed in my viewfinder Maxi- I was so shocked but just kept shooting!!!

Even though I’m suppose to be working at the computer, I can’t help but sneak down to the nursery to watch my boys enjoy story time!

One of the hardest parts of adjusting to life with a baby is finding the balance.  Greg and I put much more than 40 hours into the business a week and sometimes we feel guilty that we are not spending as much time as a family as we should.  Last month we decided to add family day once a week.  Its so nice to just go out and be with each other and not feel guilty about work or about spending time with the baby. On family day we just don’t work, its that simple.  It might mean that on the others days we work til 1 a.m but its a trade off.

On this family day after feeding Jax he fell asleep in my arms.  At home I would put him down right away BUT on family day, since there was nowhere to put him, I got to hold him- I love watching him sleep.

Time for a little compare and contrast! 

Jax in the Yankee seats at 6 months and then below at 2 weeks!

Look at Peanut go!  Isn’t it awesome that by 6 months he has 6 leaves?  Hmm, I wonder if Peanut will keep this month for month up?  We shall see!

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Susannah Gill Photography 
El Dorado Hills, CA