“Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor”- Rumi
My sister Andrea and I are both podcast lovers. It’s fun to send each other links to different podcasts and then discuss them when we chat on the phone. We both have similar beliefs when it comes to The Law Of Attraction so it’s nice to talk about these concepts without someone looking at me like I have 3 heads.
Recently she sent me a podcast of Oprah interviewing Arianna Huffington. Both brilliant woman who have reach insane levels of success. The interview was very interesting and in it Arianna speaks about how she was missing the big picture of what success really was until she collapsed and woke up in a pool of her own blood. Great interview- go take a listen here.
In it, Arianna mentions this Rumi quote posted above. It really has me trying to think about that very concept. What if we really believed life was rigged in our favor- even when we were stuck in traffic, in the midst of a migraine, just lost a bid on a job, suffering with an injury, mourning the loss of a loved one or even just waking up on your wedding day with a big old pimple- whatever it might be. I’m not sure about you but this one will be work for me in some situations but something I’m curious to play with. It’s easy to be super positive when things are going well but how often can we flip a hard or annoying situation into something where we can actually say it’s rigged in our favor!?
Do you know of this quote? What’s your take on it? Let me know!
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