One of the many wonderful perks of marrying Greg; gaining an adorable niece! This is Lindsay and she is not only very cute, but very kind and brave too. For her 5th birthday she willingly donated her never-before-cut hair to Locks of Love! Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis.
A little artist in the making, Lindsay added a drawing addressed to “Little Girl”.
Then she sat down and addressed the envelope in her favorite color with a little help from Mom!
We arrived at the hair salon and Lindsay jumped up on the chair and within minutes her pony tail was gone. She didn’t even blink an eye.
Lindsay was allowed to inspect her ponytail for one last time before it got put away in the envelope.
Mom looks on as Lindsay’s hair is being transformed into quite a stylish haircut!
Carefully watching, little smiles start to appear as she sees her new haircut taking form.
Ta Da!! The new Lindsay!!
A big jump down and what I love to think of as the Snoopy happy dance!! How adorable is she!?
Next stop, the post office to mail the pony tail and the drawing!
BIG smiles all around as Lindsay enjoys some chocolate cake as a celebration of her wonderful contribution to Locks of Love!
I am teary eyed as I read about this little’s girls contribution! So beautifully documented!
Susannah, love your touch! this was beautiful, i too have tears in my eyes :-)… xoxo