Rachel & Scott’s wedding was so unique in that it was steeped in tradition and yet had a very current and modern feel- it was a beautiful combination!
Rachel’s Mom looks on while Rachel gets her hair done. I love the expression on Mom’s face, full of love and pride and perhaps wondering where time went as she watches Rachel get ready for her wedding day.
LOVE! A touching text from Scott to Rachel!
This is Rachel’s Mom’s garter from her wedding day that her mother made for her!
Scott- King for the day!
Alright- this is down right hysterical! So I hear that men often don’t know HOW to get ready on their wedding day- that it can all be quite confusing for them! In these two images they are Googling on their phones and also watching YouTube videos on how to put on a boutonniere!
The ladies certainly were not stressing getting ready and were happily dancing and singing to some music to entertain Rachel!
Rachel’s little sister gets the dress down!!
I love all the different expressions on the girls’ faces!!! So much fun!
Rachel is ready and gorgeous!
This picture gives me goosebumps. This is Rachel leaving to go see Scott privately on the deck of the hotel for what is called a “First Look”. Mom was told she had to stay behind even though you can see that she wanted to watch so badly! She followed Rachel out of the room and had her hand on her heart as she watched Rachel walk away. It was such a beautiful moment to witness.
Seconds later the crew in the bridal suit ohhhhhed and ahhhhhhed as Scott all decked out comes along to go see Rachel!
Scott on his way- look at that SMILE!
And there it is. After months and months of planning and anticipation- their wedding day arrived and they finally get to see each other as bride and groom! It was perfect!
Greg and I tag teamed this first look. We both wanted to be far away as to give Rachel and Scott the utmost privacy yet still be able to capture this special moment. Greg shot from the roof of the hotel and I shot from behind glass in the hallway.
Together they stopped by the bridal suit for even more ohhhhhhhs and ahhhhhhhs! It was all so exciting!
We headed off to Central Park for some pictures! It was so fun to watch Rachel & Scott walked through the park- everyone was cheering for them!
And this little a girl couldn’t take her eyes off Rachel!
My favorite! Everyone knows I am a sucker for the romantic kissing shots!
Lastly, I would like to thank the super fun bridal party!
Be sure to stay tuned for Rachel & Scott’s Wedding Part 2!!!!
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