March 24, 2011

Throwback Thursdays!

Wow, it’s Thursday again!  Time is flying by!  The older I get the faster it seems to go.  I remember being a kid and thinking that the days sometimes seemed to last forever.

Time is a funny thing and it’s the lack of obvious time knowledge in this image that really spoke to me.  I love an image that can fool the viewer, at least for a few moments! At first glance one might think that this image is old due to the vintage hairstyle of the waitress. Or would one think the image is recent due to the fact that vintage hairstyles have made a come back?  The reflection of the cars could show you their style and be a clue, as could knowledge of current ketchup bottle shape. The Hotel New Yorker sign makes the image feel old, yet we know that a current New York trend is old signage.

My favorite part of this image?  The gum circles!  I have been photographing the streets of NYC for nearly 19 years now and I love how they show up in so many images. People hardly notice them as they walk down the streets, but in a black and white image such as this it really cracks me up just how much gum there is decorating our city sidewalks!

comments +

  1. Greg says:

    Another amazing photograph! It IS remarkable how much gum is on the sidewalks of NYC!

  2. Heather Dambmann says:

    Love the “gum circles”! I thought this was a pattern in the pavement!!!! Now I know, thank you for such an interesting photograph with so much to find and observe, a real learning experience!

  3. You know what… that is actually the difference between a professional and non professional wedding photographer!!! That is an awesome story and so glad to hear you are like us and really don’t mind other people taking images at weddings 🙂 Awesome images and congrats to Kristen & Pat also!

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For the lastest



Susannah Gill Photography 
El Dorado Hills, CA