July 22, 2019

When your son finds his sport- EDH TAZ Swim Team

Kid swimming breast stroke

If someone had told me a year ago that Jax would be on a swim team of over 400 kids, swim at meets that are loud and packed with parents and swimmers, wear a Speedo and most of all- a swim cap I would have told them they had lost their mind! Oh let’s not forget the dreaded and frequent sunscreen applications! Yeah, not our Jax!
Yet Jaxson all on his own decided he wanted to join swimming. In fact, I even tried to encourage him towards a different sport- one that didn’t take 6 hours every Saturday.  But he insisted and I am so glad he did.
Swimming on El Dorado Hills TAZ swim team has been one of the greatest things to ever happen to Jax. The Jax that started swimming on the team in May is completely different than the Jax that swam at Championships this weekend.
Jax has grown so much in confidence from swimming. He’s a natural in the water. Jax quickly kept getting better and better with his stroke technique and dives resulting his times getting faster and faster.
Jax was so shy during the first couple weeks- sometimes even leaving the pool and begging me to leave. And now- he can’t get enough of swimming and in the last few weeks he has begged his coaches to do double practices.  Which he did! Jax also attended every single meet as he didn’t want to miss a single moment of Taz.
Jax was in awe of the amazing coaches on TAZ and for all their hard work we are so grateful.  Not only did they teach Jax so much- they also goofed around with him and indulged him with all his silliness!
Jax came out of his shell this summer and it’s all thanks to TAZ and the wonderful sport of swimming!
My Mama heart is so full and bursting with pride and gratitude! Watching Jax fall in love with a sport, grow in confidence, develop friendships and be happier than I have ever seen him is the best feeling in the world!

Taz swimmer in El Dorado HillsEDH Taz swimmers having fun

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Susannah Gill Photography 
El Dorado Hills, CA