They laughed, they sang, kissed, cuddled, giggled, and then kissed some more! These two are over the moon for each other and we cannot wait to photograph their Brooklyn wedding this weekend!
Even though Allison claims she is not comfortable getting her picture taken and even though Jesse claims that he wasn’t super into the idea of engagement pictures- the two were naturals!! Ha! I love when that happens! It was so much fun to photograph these two who needed ZERO direction! Instead what they gave me was 2 hours of their love and adoration for each other! The result I feel seems more like movie stills- I call them photo stills from the Allison & Jesse show!
How cool is this log? How sweet do they look on my new favorite log?
Oh I love this one! These two are such a match!
Let me explain. At the start of the shoot Allison told me that when she takes pictures she finds that she is often making a fist! Half way through the shoot I noticed that I had not yet seen a fist! I mentioned this and we all laughed-and then Allison made fists, but in a good way!
More amazing trees! In this area of Central Park there are a bunch of dead trees due to the big storm last August. It was terrible that CP lost so many of its trees, its the least we can do to give them a little love and play on them!
SO, when you ask a couple to look at their rings what you get is a super cheesy image. When they happen to do it on their own while they think you are changing lenses, what you get is pure sweetness! I love these two!! Yes I know I say that often, it is rare for me not to fall in love on each photo shoot!
Allison and Jesse we are thrilled to be with you two this Saturday! If the engagement shoot was any idea of your love I can only imagine your wedding day!
Adorable. Beautiful!