When I arrived at Baby Kai’s house, I was instantly in awe over the little bundle of perfection that he was- all 5 lbs of him! So handsome, so sweet and SO good throughout the photo shoot!
Every newborn session is different, depending on if the baby is awake or asleep. Since Kai was asleep I decided to take some portraits of just him using a newborn posing bag and a space heater to make his room all cozy and warm. We used his nursery for this part of the photo shoot as the light in it was incredible! The nursery was decorated so sweetly I had to take some pictures of it as well!
Mom and Dad’s initials!
Kai easily moved into the pose I wanted to photograph him in. I used Dad’s hand to give some scale as to how tiny Kai was! This is what I love about newborn sessions, they are only that really tiny look for a couple of weeks! Before you know it they have lost that newborn look!
Still fast asleep, we brought Kai out into the living room and took some family pictures!
Nestled in Dad’s hands, Baby Kai kept on sleeping and gave us a little smile! Thank you Kai for that smile, everyone who see this images let’s out a little sound as their heart instantly melts!
Checking Mom out- his first love!With seconds left Before Kai needed to be fed, we were able to capture his tiny little hands and feet!
I packed up my gear and started to say my goodbyes when I saw Mom cuddling with little Kai. Instructed not to move, the gear was pulled back out and this last final image was captured!
I LOVE the little baby smiles newborns give at just the right moment!
Very cute photos Susannah! Thanks for sharing!
I adore that last shot! Very sweet shoot, love all the black and whites.
How funny! One of my friends’ kids born in the last year is also named Kai! Is this a popular name this year?
Adorable little newborn! I love how you set the story with the nursery, and I love that chair Momma is lounging in, in the last photo! Looks so sweet and comfy!
What a perfect baby!
I love this session and how you made that awesome room decor a part of the story. Very beautiful. (I wonder how long the boy’s room will stay so perfect though, 🙂 😉 😉 )
So much love in these photos!!!
Susannah, I just love your storytelling, with the pictures and your words. Just beautiful.
Thank you Susannah for this beautiful blog post! We adore it!!!
I love these photos! I especially adore the one where Kai is looking up at his mama:)
Such beautiful light in all these shots. What a gorgeous baby!