I first met Kelly and Eyob a few years ago when Kelly had first come back from Ethiopia where she adopted Eyob. That photoshoot took place on Long Island just outside New York City where Kelly had lived. We had a friend in common from both of us working in Deaf education and as we were chatting, realized that our degree of separation was getting smaller and smaller! After some time we whittled it down to that we BOTH grew up in Buffalo and more than that we grew up in the same neighborhood, went to the same schools and our siblings know each other!! Small- small world! Kelly moved back to Buffalo last year and it was the utmost pleasure for me to be able to photograph this awesome duo again just in a different city!
Eyob is 5 years old, he is just starting Kindergarten and he was a little man on a mission the whole shoot! I loved it! All I had to do was keep up with him!
Eyob is one of the most curious boys I have ever met and his Mom is a teacher! He asked- she explained, it was wonderful combo! I think the fact that she provides such rich and detailed answers is what probably fuels his insatiable curiosity!
Loved these ferns! FERNS!! This city girl was in photo heaven!
Defending his fern territory against some wild monster I’m sure!
They both have a smile that is so sincere, a smile that comes from a deep happiness from within.
Honestly, this is one beautiful child!
What happened here is kind of funny…or at least unexpected. We came across a little path that opened up to the lake. We walked towards it and Eyob sat very still on his haunches looking out. He was very interested and was taking it all in, then I had to go and ask him a question! He turned towards me to answer and lost his balance and fell in, yes fell in!! (not into the main part but the little tributary on his left) He was such a good sport about it and as you will see coming up, he got his back dirty. But it wasn’t his fault! I was the one that disrupted his train of thought!
I’m fascinated by Eyob’s intensity. Everything he does from being silly to observing nature he does with such intensity.
The family foot portrait!
Eyob found a bug!
It was so sweet watching Eyob adoring his Mom. We often see parents adoring their children but its not often that a little boy lets you glimpse a little Mama loving!
I love these two images above, I couldn’t pick just one. Eyob is listening to his Mother explain things. His face is so serious as he absorbs the information.
Kelly right now is winning the battle against Cancer!!! One of the most touching things she said to me during the shoot was, “I’m so grateful that I have Eyob when battling this Cancer, if it wasn’t for him I might have really felt sorry for myself, but with Eyob around there is no time for feeling sorry for yourself- life goes on.”
Eyob is one lucky boy. Kelly is one lucky Mom. They are perfect for each other.
Susannah, as usual, these photos made me cry. Absolutely precious. And you’re right, that kid is GORGEOUS!
I am so touched by the loving adoration in these photographs.
Eyob & Kelly are perfect for each other…I wish them a long, beautiful life together.
You have told an incredible story with your awesome talent. As always, your work is heartfelt and passionate.
Love this post so much I’m dying and I really wanna meet this kid! 🙂