Well I finally did it! I set a goal I have been dreading for a long time now and used my birthday as a way to get the job done!
Im not sure how smart that was as it made me nervous for most of my birthday! The goal I had been dreading was to do my first Facebook live. For some of you, this may seem like no big deal. But for me, video, especially live video is something that makes me so out of my comfort zone! And since many of my friends and clients are Deaf, I wanted to sign the video….and when I’m nervous I get major Butterfingers! That’s like studdering with your fingers!
I’m thrilled I tackled this and I learned that it wasn’t really as scary as I imagined. It was hard though. I found seeing myself distracting, also making sure my signs were correct (imagine thinking in 2 languages at the same time) and then on top of that…all the comments popping up! They were so fun but certainly took my attention away from my points! Oh well, it was a great first learning experience!
Be sure to stay tune until the end when a little redhead comes and steals the show!
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