Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s that hectic time of year again! I have been so lucky to get twice as many Fall photoshoot clients as last year. And of course, the child is only in school half the time. So it’s been busy!
One of the best lessons I have learned from 2020 is to SLOWWWWW down! I don’t have to do everything, so year this I made some cuts. One of them has been not being on social media so often. The other is we will not be doing our holiday card! This is hard for me as I help so many others make their cards but its ok!
Im all about letting things go this year! (At least that is what Im telling myself over and over!)
During Jax’s Thanksgiving vacation he had to come on many photoshoots with me. He watched from the car or scootered around the park. One day he said “mama why don’t we do those photoshoots but with us?” I ask myself the same question every year! Im so bad about taking our family pictures. So I had Greg take these pictures of us and I’m so glad!
Jax and I have really grown close in 2020- Greg’s business has never been busier (such a blessing) so it’s often just Jax and I home. We have a special shelter in place bond!
I look forward to when “normal” life returns but I have enjoyed learning the lessons 2020 offered.
What have you learned this year?
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