November 28, 2011

Life with Jax! Month #7

Can someone please press pause…even just for a little while?

You know that feeling of when you are on the last day of an incredible vacation and your senses are savoring every last detail?  And there is that feeling in your stomach of worry that you won’t remember how amazing this all is right now?  Suddenly that is how I am feeling about parenthood. Trust me, this savoring thing- it wasn’t always this way! I used to hear people say to me about raising children, “Oh it goes by in a blink of an eye”.  I’d smile and inside my head I’d say, “yeah right- give me a few blinks put together- call it some sleep and I’ll be one happy Mama!”

But now its all different. Right now, exactly right now everything seems so perfect.  Jax sits up but he does not crawl.  He plays with his toys as if they are the most interesting things in the world.  He eats his veggies. He loves taking a bath. He wants to go to sleep. His laughter is plentiful. He doesn’t yet have painful teeth! (And in the time from starting this posting to the final edit we have something sharp in there!) He smiles at you with all the love and excitement in the world when you enter the room, doesn’t matter if you only left it for seconds- he is genuinely so happy to see you. (I know this will not last for sure!) Right now everything just seems so perfect… almost easy at times.

Here are some images from our 7th month together!

Jax met up with some older ladies to go trick or treating here in Harlem.  Go Jax, Go Jax!

The family!  And no, Greg did not carve those, as most New Yorkers do, we were just borrowing that stoop for a photo opp!

Right around this time Jax had become fascinated with sticking his tongue out- especially when moving.  I think he enjoys the air on it- I guess I should have gone for the puppy costume!

I used to practice photography techniques on dolls, now I have Jax!  After taking a workshop that involved some new ideas about back lighting I tested them out on Jax!  Does he have the perfect hair for back lighting or what???

And he is so good as I practice, he just sits there watching the world go by and trying with all his might to bite off Sophie’s head.

Jax practices this same patience as we vacuum the rugs.  Now that everything goes in his mouth we have to be extra careful that the rugs are clean!

Ahhh the beautiful Gingko trees and their amazing yellow leaves and stinky fruit!  How we love thee!  We plopped Jax down and he was in awe!

In this picture you might think that Jax and I were cuddling.  This is the power of photography, it can stop a second in time and freeze it, leading you to think this way.  I am sure he was just in between squirms- our boy is not a cuddler! (That is ’til he is fast asleep and I hold him pretending that he is cuddling! All boy this little guy!)  Hmmm, looks like I’m in my go-to Mommy outfit again!

He may not be a cuddler but he certainly is a ham.  One glance at the Nikon and he starts smiling and laughing!  Here on the beach at Fire Island he already has his smile going before Greg has even fixed his shirt!


Just by looking at this picture I can hear the squeals of delight I know he was making!!!

If only someone could just press pause, just for a little while…


comments +

  1. Sarah says:

    Susannah, my sentiments exactly…but it just gets more and more beautiful, actually.

  2. Lindsay Flanagan says:

    Beautiful blog post and I totally know how you feel. Oliver is only a few months away from his 2nd birthday and I have no idea where the time went. I have to say that you have the cutest kid I’ve ever seen (besides my own of course!). I can’t get enough of that red hair!! Glad to hear that you guys are doing well and are enjoying every minute together! Happy Holidays!

  3. Heather DiPiazza says:

    JAX!!! Love all the monthly updates S+G! Amazing photo as always 🙂

 follOW along on instagram


For the lastest



Susannah Gill Photography 
El Dorado Hills, CA