Happy Holidays! This year was extra special for us as it was our first Christmas in California! We are so lucky to live in a beautiful little house by the Ocean! It was so much fun to get a real tree that we will soon transport into our garden!
We were smart this year and started with the dreaded but valued family picture!!!
Then it was time to dig down to the bottom of the stockings and explore all the amazing gifts!
Maxi on the left thought she was a gift and Roxy on the right was patient as Jax introduced her to his new bear!
Books in the shape of trucks that have wheels and roll- BRILLIANT!
Even with all these new toys, Jax adores my 10 year old beat up clogs. His cousin Hudson was the exact same way with the same shoes!
We decided to make homemade blueberry waffles for our breakfast! I love how Jax always plays on the floor while we cook! It’s so cute to look down and see him lost in his own little world! So grateful to finally have a kitchen large enough that we can all be in there together!
Jax may look just like his Dad but he certainly shares his passion for waffles like his Mom!!
Our day was full of love, gratefulness, gifts, cookies and kisses! We hope you had an amazing holiday too!
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