Friends that are fun, kind and cool- awesome! Friends that are fun, kind, cool AND attractive- icing on the cake!! Meet the Sessas, friends of Greg and mine and their new little bundle of adorableness- Baby Jackson! Also Jackson’s furry siblings- Roxy and Rocco!
I love the expression on Lee’s face here, surrounded by so much love!
Now that’s my kind of family photograph! It wasn’t easy to get but Im so glad we tried!
Jackson you were such a trooper during the whole shoot! How sweet is that face?
Roxy, you were such a trusting little doggy that let me get nice and close to you!
Umm, Rocco on the other hand was very protective- as the dog should be! Still, everyone likes to get their picture taken and I was banking on the fact that the growl was going to be bigger than the bite! I was right!
I love asking parents if they want a particular picture taken! Lee was all about getting a “boyz” shot of him and his little man in their backward hats!
Tiffany opted for some portraits in her and Jackson’s favorite snuggling and bonding chair. Love the sweetness between Mother and son!
Lee, Tiffany, Jackson, Roxy and Rocco- you’re an amazing little family and it has been so wonderful to watch you grow! Congratulations!
I am so inspired and amazed by your photography. Thank you for sharing your gift.