June 24, 2011

Life with Jax! Month #2

For those of you who know me personally, you know that I love to hear stories, tell stories, write stories and if you ask my husband- make up stories!  Its easy for me to blah, blah, blah both in person and in writing, especially on this blog!  Except when it comes time to write about Jax. So often I start an idea and then erase it. I cant quite put my finger on why, the words just do not seem to match the emotions. Its difficult for me to put to words the love Jaxson has filled us with, the lessons he has taught us, and the stories he has helped to  create in this new chapter.

People have said to me, “Can you even remember life before Jax?”  I know the answer is suppose to be “No” and Im to smile and glow like the perfect Mom, but honestly- of course I can remember!  I used to sleep 8 hours at least, have hot tea every morning before I did anything else, work at my computer as much as I wanted, ate out or ate in with my meals hot and my drinks cold!  I had conversations with Greg that went like this: “Where should we go on our next surfing adventure?” rather than “Did he have a poopy diaper when you changed him?”  Yes I remember.

So what can I say about hitting the 2 month mark with Jax?  I love being his Mom and Greg loves being his Dad.   I love how he has changed our game.  Even though I can remember clearly the past life, we are thrilled to be discussing poopy diapers!  Oh and that we might not being going on that surf trip to Uruguay for a bit-thats ok too! What Jax now offers us is better than hot tea, 8 hours of sleep and perfect waves breaking left on a surf adventure. I don’t have the correct words to describe how or why, it just is. A better question to ask would be “Could you imagine life without Jax?”  That we could not.

Here are some pictures that show Jax in his 2nd month whom I now like to call the bionic baby!  He just weighed in a few days ago at 13.4lbs and the doctor said his strength was more on par with a 4 month old!  Greg is so proud!

This is the look I get when he is done playing photo model for me!

Those cheeks, I love those cheeks!

The best time of day around our house- bath time!  Jax LOVES the water!  Even though we try to split jobs, I do bath Greg does dinner or vise versa- we both end up playing with Jax in the bath and dinner either gets not cooked or burned!  Its hard to resist his laughter at bath time!

Greg reads to Jax from a Yankee book- he shouts and cheers prepping Jax for his first real Yankee game!

My men!  So photogenic both of them! So yummy and delicious!

A little family portrait session at sunset on Fire Island with the remote trigger for the camera!

Jax and I have some pretty long conversations! He really loves to listen and is quite alert!

Oh the lashes are growing in so nicely!

There he goes again, melting our hearts!  His devilish smile gets me every time!  It never gets old!

comments +

  1. Barrett says:

    Oooh, he is delicious!! And do I detect some red hair??

    You’re such a gifted photographer, and now a gifted mommy! Congrats to all 3 of you – you hit the Jax-pot! (Bad, bad – pregnancy turns me into a bad punster).

  2. Susannah! I am just giddy after reading this post! Could not be happier for you guys. You articulate so well the difference between life before and after kids…it makes me look forward to it even more!

  3. Ally says:

    I just loved reading this. So true that it is hard to put into words what it feels like to be a parent though you said it perfectly. And just think, it keeps getting better and better Every month I keep saying, “Oh, this is my favorite age” but then the next month trumps it! Congratulations on that beautiful boy and you and Greg look wonderful! Such a gorgeous family. xoxo

  4. Heather Dambmann says:

    Grandparents probably shouldn’t be allowed to comment but these are just the most wonderful photos. Love the 2 with the Yankee’s book, Jaxson really looks as if he completely understands all about “home runs”!

  5. steve young says:

    Love this and love you three !!!

 follOW along on instagram


For the lastest



Susannah Gill Photography 
El Dorado Hills, CA