January 12, 2012

Life with Jax! Month #8

Nobody pressed pause. (If this statement confuses you read here!)

Jax’s first tooth came in, sitting up was no longer enough to satisfy the little man and that life I dared to call “easy” just last month is now a memory.

When it comes to teeth I have had my fair share of “tooth ache”, from head gear to a root canal, I have clocked in many white knuckle hours in the dentist chair for sure!  But what I never  thought about was the affect they had on babies when those pearly whites first make their way into the world. Now I know, teeth are not fun!

The arrival of the teeth has thrown all our sleep training right out the window. Also, Jax now has odd mood swings, fussy eating, rashes, and chomps down on EVERYTHING, yes everything. Ouch.

Some nights it feels like I have a 21lb newborn. When I used to be up at this hour when Jax was really a newborn I was often filled with worry. He was so tiny and I really did not know him yet nor did I know for sure if I was doing the right thing for him.  Now I know when he gets up from his aching teeth that he really just wants some comfort.  So the mind begins to wonder…

Sometimes I think of my to do list but then in the morning I can’t remember what I was suppose to be “doing”.  Then I had the brilliant idea to send myself text messages as a reminder.  With foggy eyes in the morning I would look at a text that said ‘Sweatshirt, book, Sally’ and have no idea why I wrote those things. Reminders they were not.

So now in need for some comedy relief to to keep myself sane,  I think about babies and some of their behaviors that are acceptable now but not later.  This thought keeps me laughing and happy, even at 4am!  Its amazing what babies can get away with and I wonder when all this goes from being cute to not acceptable!?

Here is my list so far!

~Jax full-on belly laughs when people sneeze ( isn’t that so much better than the boring and society’s mandatory “bless you”?)

~Jax can pass “backdoor” gas in a room full of ladies and bring them all to giggles!

~Jax can stare at anyone he wants, even strangers, for any amount of time and it is not rude.  In fact they mostly like it.

~On the subway Jax will look around and stick his tongue out at people. They return it with a smile.

~If Jax does not like something he eats he can make the schrunchiest face in the world and then…SPIT-IT-OUT!!

~Jax during any activity at any time or place can pause and go to the bathroom.  And I’m not talking about peeing!  His face turns colors with all sorts of noises coming out and still adults find it cute and laugh!  Amazing!


I’m sure there are countless more that keep me entertained in the night- I just cant remember them! Why, because just when I thought my Mommy Brain was improving, the teeth arrived!

Wouldn’t life be a little bit more fun if we weren’t so civilized?  Well maybe not all of it, but can we at least laugh when people sneeze?


Here are some images of our 8th month together!


We really took advantage of the lovely fall we had.  Jax adores the swings and the higher the better!!  I think we have a little daredevil here, hmm, I wonder where he gets that from? (not me)

Jax’s first Thanksgiving!!!!!

Post Thanksgiving dinner…

We don’t know why but Jax LOVES the bars of his crib. He even holds them the majority of the time he sleeps! He lays there all comfortable with one hand out gripping onto the bars!!

Bath time, it never fails to melt my heart to see him all wrapped up and smelling so clean and fresh!

Jax’s bath time is more than just about getting clean, he loves it so much it is a full on activity. Sometimes a long one as you can see by his pruned feet!

Before Jax came along we had our 2 kittens Maxi and Roxy.  Maxi is very social and loves to be in the bathroom with you at all times! Much to Jax’s delight she sometimes jumps up to be a part of bath time too!

This happened by accident but let me tell you it was one amazing accident!  At this stage Jax wanted to move around but couldn’t and it made him very fussy..  It made things tricky, especially when trying to fold laundry.  Well just for a joke I put him in the laundry basket. Who knew that I would then have 2 hours of hands free time!  Jax sat there and played with the (battery free) remote control in the basket and giggled and cooed the whole time!  The laundry basket became Jax’s new play place.  He loves it!!!

Jax also loves his Sesame Street show.  Not new ones, not ones on TV- a disk we have with songs. It is this disk that he loves and watches with enthusiasm! Greg and I know each of these songs by heart and sometimes can be caught singing them even when Jax is sleeping!

And the big guy LOVESSSSS standing!!!!  He is so proud of himself when he does this.  He just stands there and holds on!!!  He smiles and laughs and eventually plops down, only to start whimpering to be helped up again!

Of all of his favorite things, I think I must say that a good game of peekaboo is his ultimate favorite!

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Susannah Gill Photography 
El Dorado Hills, CA