April 14, 2011

Throwback Thursdays!

The #1 train goes above ground at 125th street.  This stop means to me that I am almost home, just one more to go.  For most of the riders it offers them an opportunity to get cell phone service. But for the little commuters it’s a whole different story!  For them a new world opens up and the sight of the buildings and people below never seems to get old!  This is just one of the reasons why little ones are so special, they can see the joy and beauty in almost anything, even in what we grown ups find mundane.  There is so much we can learn from them, so much we should try to apply to our adult worlds.

I’m going to keep this post short because we are about to go have one!  I can’t wait to embrace the joy, wonder and knowledge that a child will bring to our everyday life!

comments +

  1. Greg says:

    Gotta love the Watchmen billboard right above Afro Samurai!

  2. Pia says:

    Wait. You’re going to go have one NOW? Like as in while you were writing this post? You are a true photographer/reporter, Mrs. Gill. Congratulations, and GOOD LUCK!

 follOW along on instagram


For the lastest



Susannah Gill Photography 
El Dorado Hills, CA