July 15, 2011

Twins! Welcome Sela & Seth!

Meet Alan and Brian- proud new fathers to beautiful twins, Sela and Seth!  Alan and Brian used a surrogate in India to help them make their dreams of having a family come true!  They imagined they would start with one child but were pleasantly surprised when they learned that their surrogate was pregnant with twins!  So amazing to have one of each- instant complete family!

Alan is the owner of Sign Language Center, a school in Manhattan for people to learn American Sign Language. This is how I first met Alan years ago as I enrolled in his school to learn sign.  His school is AMAZING!  When you walk in you notice right away the perfectly decorated school that looks right out of a home decor magazine. The result is a place where you instantly feel at ease- at home!  Classes are offered on all levels and if you have ever thought about learning sign language this is the place to do it.  I first started taking sign when I was disgusted by my inability to communicate with a Deaf person I met in a park. I then went on to get my Masters in Deaf Education- meeting that person and learning sign changed the course of my life and Alan’s school helped me to achieve that goal.

There are many reasons to learn sign, so if you have ever given it a second thought I would enroll and just have some fun!  Learning a new language is a wonderful way to test yourself, expand your knowledge and get out there to meet new people.  Then you never know where your new skill can take you!

It was such an honor to reunite with Alan and Brian under a new context, to capture images of this beautiful time in their lives with the arrival of Sela & Seth!!

We started the shoot at the quaint little park near their home, Madison Square Park.

Then headed on to the iconic Shake Shack!

Back home we were able to make some more intimate portraits of the twins!  They were so well behaved and such a joy to photograph!  Seth on the right  was on the sleepier side while Sela was wide awake for most of the shoot and acted like a little pro supermodel!

Born premature at 31 weeks the twins are just now passing their intended due date.  These two are growing nicely and weighing in at 7 lbs!

For those of you that do not know sign language, these 2 images are so adorable to me because it looks like Sela on the left is signing the word “friend”!  Such a sweet aspect of being a twin- a close friend for life as well as a sibling!

What’s better than 10 little pink toes- well 20 of course!!!

These two are surrounded by so much love and support!

Now it’s time for individual shots of Sela and Seth!  I always imagined that twins might feel that they are constantly grouped together so I wanted to give them some individual time in the spotlight!

This image of Alan with his little girl just pulls on my heart strings!  He kept saying, “isn’t she delicious?”  Yes!  Super extra delicious!

She even crosses her feet like a sweet little girl!

Sela is so expressive with her arms and hands- she will be a wonderful little communicator for sure!

A sleepy Seth!  Oh I love a sleeping baby, the images are always so angelic!

Those cheeks- those lips!!!!

Honestly, whats better than a nap in loving arms?

Such a beautiful family!  Sela and Seth you are as lucky as you are adorable!  Alan and Brian I am so happy that your dreams came true- and in such a “delicious” way!

I couldn’t resist putting this last image in!!  Congratulations to you all!!!

comments +

  1. Jessica says:

    These are wonderful- they really capture the magic moments of discovery and sheer adoration. I particularly like the one at the Shake Shack, the entire world is passing by and Alan and Brian are utterly mesmerized by their twins. Great work, you really are an amazing talent!

  2. pognyc says:

    This is the most amazing thing I have seen in a long time!! These are going to be two very lucky, loved and cared for children, that’s for sure!

  3. Andrea Garvey says:

    Wow – These images are incredible!!! Everything about the story is truly heartfelt. I love the image of the twins and one of them may be signing 🙂 Fabulous work as always.

  4. CJ says:

    That is pure beauty! I am a lesbian who has children with my partner. We use sign language with my middle daughter, who has Down syndrome. does this family have a blog?? I’d love to follow their beautiful journey!

  5. judy says:

    Beautiful! I wonder if there is any possibility of purchasing rights to use any of these photos as we are in the process of developing an online prenatal course and would love to add more inclusive imagery.

 follOW along on instagram


For the lastest



Susannah Gill Photography 
El Dorado Hills, CA