June 11, 2011

Meghan & Joey’s Wedding Part 1

A few summers ago, Meghan and Joey were in our beach house for the summer.  They are such a fun-loving couple it was no wonder that they had one of the funnest weddings of the year! (their wedding was in 2010- for those of you wondering, the blog will be showcasing some of last years work as the blog was down during web site construction)

As you may recall, we have had the honor of working closely with the Lenehan family, one of my favorite Irish families!  We photographed the eldest sister’s wedding, Julie and Matt (see their wedding blog post here) in 2008. Meghan is Julie’s little sister and also one of 5 Lenehan girls!  This winter we also had the  honor of photographing Meghan’s twin’s wedding, Caitlin and Dave! (see their wedding blog post here)

Let’s start off this 2 part wedding with a sight I love seeing, the 5 Lenehan sisters sitting around like they were still little girls getting ready for a wedding!

Meghan’s gorgeous dress and her bridesmaid’s dresses had a little bit of Irish love sewn into them, care of Mrs. Lenehan.

And how the boys get ready….

Joey and his buddies decided to play a joke on one of the more “high maintenance” groomsmen!  They rented an extra pair of tuxedo pants and had them tailored too short- they swapped these for the correct pants and waited to see the reaction…

And now the serious getting ready part!

The groomsmen arrive at the church in style, in a tour bus with a case of beer!

Mrs. Lenehan finishes zipping up Meghan’s dress and then the two have a big hug.  I love these two images, so sweet and tender.

Meghan rides the elevator down with her mother and a few others and knew that she would see her Dad when the elevator doors opened.  These two have such a close father/daughter relationship, I love the look on Mr. Lenehan’s face and the deep embrace afterwards. This family!!!  I love photographing this family…if only they had MORE children!!!

VERY Meghan style, as you will see throughout this blog post, Meghan rallies the troops with a team “hands in”!!  

Some last minute touches in the back of the church.

Meghan glances at her Dad as they walk down the aisle. I think this image captures a big part of their relationship- that they are both about to cry like babies and they are also about to laugh hysterically at the fact that they are about to cry like babies!

This whole family loves to cry together.  Proof, look to the bridesmaid in the back left- that is Caitlin, Meghan’s twin, so overcome with emotion.  Have I said it yet?  I LOVE this family!


And who says guys never want to get married?  Could Joey look happier as he hugs his WIFE??

Now that the actual wedding part of the ceremony is over, Meghan and Joey sit to hear the rest of the mass and steal some very happy looks at each other!

The little ring bearer does his best to stay in the game and pay attention to the wedding!

Meghan gives an “A-OK” sign to a friend of the family after she sings a song during the ceremony.

One more surprise, this one is for Joey!  Meghan secretly arranged bag pipers to storm the entrance of the church after the ceremony was over!  Everyone was so surprised and laughing with delight! Are we shocked that Meghan is giving high 5’s as she leaves the church?? Love Joey’s smile!

Stay tuned for part 2!!!!  You wont want to miss where Meghan planned to have the wedding portraits done!  It was brilliant!

comments +

  1. Kristen says:

    If I was this bride, I’d have that image of them holding hands blown up as big as I could and hang it in my house! How symbolic and simply gorgeous!!!!!!

 follOW along on instagram


For the lastest



Susannah Gill Photography 
El Dorado Hills, CA